Ati 6550 M Review


The AMD Radeon HD 6550M (or ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6550) is a renamed version of the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650. As the 5650, the HD6550M supports DirectX 11.

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Welcome to the free TEAS 6 practice test page. The links below will help you take our sample ATI TEAS practice test.

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These practice questions will give you a better idea of what to study on your TEAS exam.

  1. We will be performing routine maintenance on Tuesday, Jan. (ET), through Wednesday, Jan. During this time, you may experience intermittent issues when accessing your ATI account.
  2. The original 6550 tube was a pear shaped high power tetrode designed for power control by American Tung-Sol company. Later, GE and Philips produced straight bottle 6550s. The 6550 tube became quite popular in American audio amps in 1950s and 1960s due to its linearity and high power output.

Good luck with your TEAS test studying. If you need additional practice questions get our TEAS study guide and flashcards.

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Practice For the TEAS the Best Way

When studying for your TEAS test, you not only want to be committed to setting aside plenty of time, but you also want to be sure that during that time your are actually studying in the most effective way. How can you know if your study time is effective? Well, one of the best ways to check is by taking a free TEAS practice test. TEAS practice tests allow you to gauge how prepared you are for the actual test. Not only will a TEAS sample test help you gauge how prepared you are, but it will also show you exactly which areas are your weakest. After you take a TEAS practice test, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which TEAS questions did I miss?
  • Were there questions I was unsure of, even though I got them right?
  • Which questions were hard to understand and took the longest?

When you ask yourself these questions it will help expose the areas that you struggle with the most so that you know which areas need more attention during your study time. It may also be helpful for you to pinpoint exactly why you struggled with specific questions. Did you find the material hard to comprehend? Were you unfamiliar with some of the words and their meanings? Should you spend more time practicing a specific type of TEAS question to familiarize yourself and build speed? Really try using these questions to uncover any limitations as you continue to work through the material.

TEAS practice tests also often contain portions expounding on each answer choice. While this is great, be cautious not to read through the explanation and, because it makes sense, assume that you understand entire concept in depth. It may be that the explanation only expounds on a narrow portion of a very broad topic. So be sure to review and dig into each topic that the question is referencing until you have a comfortable grasp of it.

ATI TEAS 6 Review

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Another reason to make sure that you have a thorough understanding of each topic is because the TEAS practice test is simply practice. If you try to rely on having the questions from the TEAS sample test memorized you may be making things harder on yourself. The odds that you have the exact same questions on your test are probably pretty low. So if you only know the right answers on the practice test but you don’t know why each answer is the right answer, than you may not do as well as you hope. Thoroughly study each concept until you have comprehended it. This is the best way to guarantee success on the actual TEAS test.

Try not to overwhelm yourself as you study. If you jump into taking a practice test before even looking at the study material this can cause you to feel discouraged. Practice tests are meant to be taken after you have done the hard work of studying and are ready to test yourself on your ability to recall it.

Ati 6550 M Reviews

The day that you take the actual TEAS test you will be expected to be able to answer the TEAS questions, have mastered test taking time management, and apply all the strategies that you have learned. That is a lot to expect. It can seem like you are expected to run a really long race that your future is dependent on. Just like running any long distance, be sure to pace yourself. If you do this, on TEAS test day you will be ready.

As you prepare it may be helpful to use different types of resources to help you study. Mometrix offers all the help you need. At the top of this page you can find links to TEAS practice tests, study guides, flashcards, and more. We also offer several different videos helping to further explain complex topics. Check out our TEAS study guide videos here.

TEAS Practice Methods

Try using the following methods, as you begin taking practice tests:

  • Try taking the TEAS 6 practice test without time limitations, open notes, and with TEAS study guide in hand. Obviously, try not to depend on these resources but have them available.
  • When you take the second practice test keep all of the same resources, but time yourself to practice learning how to pace yourself for the test.
  • After taking the first two TEAS practice tests, take every other practice test as if it is test day. Time yourself, eliminate all outside resources, sit at a desk, and pretend like you are at the actual testing facility. Do the best that you can to answer the questions correctly and in a timely manner.
  • After you have finished simulating test day, keep practicing. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will be on test day.

Sound & Vision
by David Vaughn


This amp never broke a sweat driving my 4-ohm speakers at insanely loud levels.

  • Outstanding dynamics and headroom
  • Equal power to all channels
  • Seven-year transferable warranty


Power Output: 5 x 300 watts (8 ohms, all channels driven), 5 x 450 watts (4 ohms, all channels driven)
Maximum THD: <0.05%
Analog Audio Inputs: RCA (5), balanced XLR (5)
Speaker Outputs: 5 pairs of binding posts
Dimensions (WxHxD, Inches): 17.25 x 9.5 x 18.5
Weight (Pounds): 116

There are quite a few people in the audio world who have become household names, at least among audiophiles. I'm talking about legends like Paul Klipsch, Amar Bose, Saul Marantz, Henry Kloss, Bob Carver. But these aren't the only influential contributors to the business and history of hi-fi. Among the lesser-known audio icons is Morris Kessler, the founder of ATI.

Kessler started in 1959, working in a retail hi-fi store at age 15, and he designed his first solid-state amplifier at 18. He co-founded his first company, SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics), at 23 and sold it in 1988. In the early 1990s, he founded ATI and landed his first OEM customer with the release of Adcom's GFA6000. Over the ensuing years, ATI would work quietly behind the scenes, manufacturing amplifiers for the likes of Crestron, Theta Digital, and Outlaw Audio. What's even more impressive is that all of those amps have been made in the U.S.A.

High Standards

ATI's design philosophy is simple: Audio quality is their first priority, and they pay particular attention to signal-to-noise ratio and THD+noise performance in an effort to minimize intrusions on the signal purity. I've heard a number of Kessler's OEM amps over the years, but the ATI AT6005 amp sets a new standard for the company. In fact, ATI is so proud of this amp that they've put Kessler's signature across the front. Given its modular construction, it's available in two-, three-, four-, five-, six-, and seven-channel versions, with the model numbers being ATI AT6002, ATI AT6003, ATI AT6004, ATI AT6005, ATI AT6006 and ATI AT6007, all featuring the same audio circuit and per-channel power output, and with prices ranging from $3,995 to $7,995.

From the outside, the five-channel ATI AT6005 looks like your typical black-box amplifier. The front panel sports two removable handles and a power switch. The rear has both balanced and unbalanced audio inputs (with a toggle switch to choose which input method you prefer), five speaker outputs, two detachable power cords (more on this later), a ground screw, and a trigger input to automatically turn on the amp from a switched component.

While the exterior isn't much to write home about, the inside tells the true tale of this signature design, and Kessler has delivered in spades. The ATI AT6005 is a fully balanced design with differential amps, but unlike Kessler's earlier models, which were essentially bridged amplifiers, this baby uses only a single input stage with dual-differential output stages, resulting in improved signal-to-noise ratio. It's rated at 300 watts RMS x 5 into 8 ohms (450 watts RMS at 4 ohms), and Kessler has implemented a new design topology utilizing current feedback in lieu of the more commonly used voltage feedback. This makes for wider bandwidth (the only valid way one amp can be said to be 'faster' than another) and potentially lower harmonic distortion.

Other engineering highlights include ThermalTrak output devices (helpful in optimizing the operating bias in real time), dual DC servos to track and maintain DC offset, and a revised PCB layout that moves the AC components on the modular cards away from the signal input. What's more, the amp uses dual toroidal transformers, dual power switches, and dual line cords, creating a design that can be hooked up to two independent 20-amp circuits for greater sustained power output.

Needless to say, the specs on this amp are through the roof. But how does it sound?

Ati 6550 M Review

Setup and Real-World Performance

At 116 pounds, the ATI AT6005 is a two-man job to maneuver into your rack, unless you're Thor. Once it was in place, I hooked it up to my Marantz AV8801 preamp via balanced connectors. I followed ATI's advice and plugged the amplifier into two independent 20-amp outlets that I had fortuitously run last summer to my rack.

My reference speakers consist of three M&K S150s across the front and four SS150 surround speakers, but since this was the amp's five channel-channel version, I went with a 5.1 system for the duration of the review. All of the M&K speakers are rated at 4 ohms nominal and have been known to tax an amplifier or two. Since my speakers are studio monitors, they do require a subwoofer to provide low-end extension. In this case, I employed an SVS PC-Ultra and an M&K X-12. Once everything was in place and hooked up, I calibrated the speaker levels manually using a THX test-tone disc and a RadioShack SPL meter.

Lost is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, not only for the stellar cast and the numerous twists and turns but also for the engrossing score by Michael Giacchino. The sixth and final season features some great instrumentals, with 'LAX' starting as a slow piano solo before adding various strings along the way and building to a crescendo midway through the track. I've listened to this countless times, and the ATI AT6005 handled the peaks of the crescendo effortlessly. Furthermore, the strike of every key on the piano sounded almost like the instrument was sitting in my room. Every bit of clarity and detail was left intact, and the ATI didn't colorize the sound in any obvious way; everything was clear and natural, as it should be.

Movies were just as enjoyable. Starting with something lighthearted and fun, I popped in the Blu-ray of Frozen, one of the best animated titles from Disney in years. As I jumped through the various musical numbers on the disc, the ATI proved to be up for any challenge. At reference levels, the Oscar-winning song 'Let It Go' sounded amazing. Piano keys were crisp and clear, and Idina Menzel's vocals were controlled and never approached any hint of strain. Furthermore, I could clearly hear every drop of the ice crystals as Princess Anna built her majestic castle.

Ati 6550 M Reviewed

Marcus Luttrell and his compatriots of Operation Red Wings are American heroes whose story comes to life in the Oscar-worthy (yet mostly neglected) Lone Survivor. Based on Luttrell's best-selling book, the movie allows you to witness the deadliest day in Navy SEAL history as this band of brothers fight for survival on an Afghanistan mountainside. This is an emotionally powerful movie, and for us audio enthusiasts, the DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track is about as kick-ass as they come. Discrete effects fly throughout the room as bullets crash all around you, and every gunshot tests the prowess of your equipment. Needless to say, the ATI was more than up for the task. If I were blindfolded during the experience, I definitely would have been ducking for cover.

My two-channel audio auditions with the ATI were no less impressive. The amp's prowess was quite evident on Sir Colin Davis's rendition of Beethoven's Symphony No.3 'Eroica' at the Semperoper Dresden (Philips) - a gem of a recording. The final movement is thrilling as the piece builds to its triumphant conclusion, and the Dresden State Orchestra sounded as if they were sitting directly in front of me when I closed my eyes. The midrange was clean and precise, the high end extended, and the hall was reproduced with inviting ambience. The ATI handled the piece's powerful dynamics with uncommon ease, even at real concert hall levels.

Ati 6550 M Review Video


My reference amplifier for a 5.1 system is a John Curl designed Parasound Halo A 51. I purchased this amp last spring after wanting to own it for more than 10 years, and I consider it to be one of the best amps that money can buy. The highest acclaim I can give the ATI AT6005 is that at no time did I miss my Parasound during my audition of the ATI, which is something I honestly didn't expect. In fact, if I were in the market for a new amp, the ATI would be at the top of my list, due to its low noise and seemingly endless power output. Highly recommended.