About Me
2012 Fall Teaching Portfolio Jie Zhang 2 Introduction This is a showcase portfolio designed to present my teaching ability in order to serve me to get a teaching job through Practicum Course in Sookmyung Women’s University. In the portfolio, there are three parts presented to embody my teaching ability—personal background. Jun 28, 2016 - Showcase your skills in a visual way to impress interviewers and land your dream teaching job! This template includes a portfolio cover, page backgrounds and headings, and examples and suggestions for what to include on each page of your portfolio.

- Teaching Portfolio. What is a Teaching Portfolio? A Teaching Portfolio is a representation of the teaching experience of a given individual. A well-developed Teaching Portfolio will show evidence of teaching reflected in a Curriculum Vitae (CV), student course feedback, observational feedback by peers and/or supervisors, self-reflection by way of a teaching statement (philosophy).
- The challenge is designing a portfolio program that works, one that truly impacts teaching and learning in such a way that ultimately transforms the static, mechanical, disengaging moments when learning stops and testing begins into a continuum of moments combining assessment, instruction, and learning.

To my Professional Teaching Portfolio

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I am a teacher in a highly specialised setting, which is why you’ll find posts about Structured Teaching, Sensory Processing and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) alongside my thoughts about Professional Development I’ve attended or assessment methods I’ve used. I’m also lucky enough to work in an environment which allows me opportunities to support and encourage adults as well as children, which my writing tries to reflect. I experiment with and adapt ideas and love to incorporate ICT into my teaching. I am always considering what myself, my students, my support staff and my placement students are doing in the classroom.
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How to access my evidence:
This website has been developed to allow educators to reflect on their practice against aitsl’s Professional Standards for Teachers. By clicking one of the blue tiles above, you’ll be taken to the relevant posts I’ve written for each standard. These standards are:
- Know students and how they learn
- Know the content and how to teach it
- Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
- Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
- Engage in professional learning
- Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community
Class Websitechelsea Bagwell's Teaching Portfolio

Within these standards are 148 focus areas, divided across four career stages-Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead. You can also access my evidence by these focus areas, using the tag cloud to the left. The bigger the tag, the more evidence I have for that focus area. I’m finding this a very empowering way to identify my strengths and to clearly see my areas for growth.
Class Websitechelsea Bagwell's Teaching Portfolio 2017
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below one of my posts, I’d love to hear from you.