Interview Of A Serial Killer


In this Kathryn Newton interview for Freaky, the actor talks Vince Vaughn, her leather jacket serial killer look, and The Society cancellation. 'I tried on all of the sexy stuff,' Newton said. Lisa McVey was 17 years old when she was abducted, beaten and raped by a serial killer—and managed to survive. We spoke with McVey about how she outsmarted her kidnapper, Bobby Joe Long.

James Holland has heard confessions from many, many murderers. But now one is telling the Texas Ranger he's committed 93 murders himself, making him perhaps the most prolific serial killer in American history. The race is on to identify all of the 93 people Samuel Little says he murdered, while the 79-year-old remains alive and continues to cooperate.
Holland tells Sharyn Alfonsi in his first television interview how he got Little to open up about his victims for a story to be broadcast on '60 Minutes' Sunday, October 6, at 7 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.
Information Holland has gathered from Little has led to 50 cold case murders being solved. There are more Little says he committed that if resolved would give victims' relatives answers and exonerate any innocent people who may have been wrongly convicted for the murders.
Holland says he broke through to Little by agreeing with him that he was not a rapist, but truly a killer. This tack seemed to unlock the place where he kept detailed, almost photographic memories of every woman he killed. Holland describes Little's process, 'There's indications of visualization, of when he's thinking about a crime scene. He'll start stroking his face. And as he's starting to picture a victim, you'll see him look out and up.'
'And you can tell he has this revolving carousel of victims, and it's just spinning, and he's waiting for it to stop at the one that he wants to talk about,' Holland says.

Little can count all of his victims, even still hear them, says Holland. A big aid in identifying victims has been Little's ability to sketch very close likenesses of the people. Holland shows Alfonsi a collection of Little's drawings, a collection he hopes will grow.

Reporter: I’mjust wondering how are you gonna be, you know, at 9:30 tomorrow morning? Areyou prepared?
Aileen: I’mprepared. I’m alright, I’m alright with it.
Reporter: And how…
Aileen: I’m alright with it BUT like I said, remember,tell… let them know, that I know that the cops knew who I was, after RichardMallory died, I left prints everywhere, and they covered it up, and let mekilled the rest of those guys to turn me into a serial killer. I know they didbecause I was no professional serial killer or anything, or murderer, whateveryou wanna call it, you know, I wasn’t professional…
Reporter:So, Aileen…
Aileen: Idid some slopy work, you know? I left prints…
Reporter: so,how did you prepare yourself for tomorrow morning?
Aileen: I’malright with it! Hey, I’m ready… go… Iwas tortured at BCI, they had the inner compound in the room and they keptlying that it wasn’t on, and they were using sonic pressure on my head since1997 and every time I was trying to write something… and I think they had some kind eye in the cellI’m not sure, but every time I started writing something, it went up higher,something that can probably have the TV wrecked… The TV or the mirror,something was wrecked, they guy with huge “selay” on the compound, after theyput the huge “selay” on the compound… could’ve been either wrecked to TV set or themirror or something ‘cuz the electrician when he put the mirror on the wall, hesaid: doesn’t it look like computer? The back of it. And they stuck it to thewall.
Reporter:did that affect your mind, you think?
Reporter: didthat affect your mind in some way? The sonic…

Interview Serial Killer

Aileen: itwas crushing my head and they were using sonic pressure… continually then whenI had three meetings with Miss Vellacorta on it, every meeting I had, sheincreased the pressure of the volume of the comp, increased the harassment onthe floor, increased the trace being inedible, just increased every bit of mycomplains and trashed all grievances… they were trying to make it look like Iwas crazy at all times, wrecked up the room with torture, if I said anythingabout… I think their whole plan was to try to make it look like I was totallycrazy and so nobody would believe anything I had to say about anything and theydrove me there if they could. I suffered so bad, I was really struggling tosurvive… I had a lot of trays that were attempted murder and everything, I hadto wash all my food off, and then one day I didn’t wash of my food off and Iwas sick for three days and almost died.
Reporter:but you’re OK, now…
Aileen: I’mOK, I’m Ok, God is gonna be there, Jesus Christ is gonna be there, all theangels and everything and you know, whatever is on the beyond, I think it’sgonna be more like star trek beaming me up into a space vehicle, man, and I’llmove on and re-colonize to another planet or whatever but whatever is on thebeyond I know it’s gonna be good because I didn’t do anything as wrong as theysaid, I did the right thing, and I saved a lot of people’s butts from gettinghurt and raped and killed too…
Reporter: areyou saying that you killed in self-defense or in cold-blood? What are you… ‘cuzyou’ve changed your story…
Aileen:changed the story on what?
Reporter:no, whether about it was self-defense or not…
Aileen: I’mnot gonna say it… I’m not gonna get into depth about my cases, Nick. Mama wentto the chambers and nothing is stopping it! You can believe it and you don’t haveto believe it, that’s up to you, man! Put a big question mark on your film.
Reporter: what more is there to say about the cops? Whatmore do you wanna to say about the cops?

Interview With A Serial Killer Belfast

Aileen: Alot of stuff! Did you know they were surveilling me before I killed and then Iknew it! And that was covered up! Did you know there were helicopters droppingdown from the sky, deputy sheriffs, with decoys picking me up for five monthsbefore my arrest? It was covered up.
Reporter:but nonetheless…
Aileen:Nobody ever asked me these questions…
Interview Of A Serial Killer

Youtube Serial Killer Interview

Reporter: whetherthe cops were following you or not…
Reporter:Let’s say that the cops were following you, let’s say they were following youand they did everything that you’re saying they did…
Aileen: uhhuh…
Reporter: nonetheless,you killed 7 men. And I’m asking what got you to killing 7 men?

Interview With A Serial Killer Piers Morgan

Reporter: Noteveryone is killing 7 people, so there must’ve been something in you that wasgetting you to do it.

Interview With A Serial Killer Imdb

Interview with a serial killer piers morgan

Interview Of A Serial Killer Netflix

Interview Of A Serial Killer

Interview Of A Serial Killer Man

Aileen: OH,YOU’RE LOST NICK! I WAS A HITCHHIKING HOOKER! Running into trouble, I’d shootthe guy If I ran into trouble… physical trouble. The cops knew it when thephysical trouble came: 'let her clean the streets and then we’ll pull her in…' that’swhy!